Effects of Passive Components on Designing a Three-Phase DC-DC Converter





DC-DC, converter, six inverters, three-phase


This paper presents the impact of the inductor and exchanging recurrence of a three-stage DC-DC converter for potential application in an electric vehicle. The proposed DC-DC converter comprises the essential and auxiliary stages. The essential phase of the converter is made from total scaffold converter go about as information port which associated in equal, while at the auxiliary stage which goes about as yield port contained full extension rectifier associated in series. At the auxiliary stage, the channel capacitor, an inductor associated in corresponding to sift through the waves from the information voltage and produce a DC yield voltage that prompts better execution. Various phases of the DC-DC converter have been reenacted through PSpice and execution were assessed.


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How to Cite

“Effects of Passive Components on Designing a Three-Phase DC-DC Converter”, AJoEEE, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 37–45, Sep. 2021, doi: 10.69955/ajoeee.2021.v1i2.2.

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