Authors Guidelines

Submission process (Initial Submission)

* Manuscripts must be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript and should not be submitted by anyone on their behalf based on the journal template. The submitting author takes responsibility for the article during submission and peer review.

* The submitting author is required to complete, sign and upload the Ethical Agreement form.

* Authors are required to upload two proposed reviewer’s names, affiliations, countries, and email addresses related to the subject of the manuscript during submission.

* To facilitate rapid publication and to minimize administrative costs, the Asian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering encourages online submission. The website uses a journal management and publishing system that assists with every stage of the refereed publishing process, from submissions through to online publication and indexing. The submission process is compatible with the latest version of Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and most other modern web browsers. It can be used from PC, Mac, or Unix platforms.

* The main manuscript should be submitted (MSWord *.docx format).

* Other files, such as the Ethical Agreement form, Proposed Reviewer form should be submitted along with the manuscript.

Downloadable Files (From the side menu links)

  1. Download the manuscript template (Authors need to follow the template when preparing their manuscript).
  2. Ethical Agreement (EA) form (Authors need to submit the manuscript as an Ethical Agreement form along with the manuscript submission)
  3. Prospective Reviewer’s Names (Authors need to submit along with the manuscript submission as a Prospective Reviewer.)
  4. Response to reviewer’s template (Authors need to follow the template when responding to the reviewers' comments.)- If a revision or resubmission is requested.

Submission process (Revised manuscript based on reviewers' comments)

* The author submitting the submission should log in to AJoEEE.

* Upload the revised manuscript as an Article text

 Authors are also required to submit a Reviewer response along with a revised manuscript

Replying to reviewers' comments

* Authors are requested to use the Response to Reviewers template. 

 Manuscripts for research articles submitted to AJoEEE should be divided into the following sections:

Title page


Background/ Introduction







Figure legends (if any)

Tables and captions (if any)

* You can download a template (Mac and Windows compatible; Microsoft Word 2007/2010) for your article.


All references must be numbered consecutively, in square brackets, in the order in which they are cited in the text, followed by any in tables or legends. New Times Roman, font size 11. Each reference must have an individual reference number. Please avoid excessive referencing. If automatic numbering systems are used, the reference numbers must be finalized and the bibliography must be fully formatted before submission. Need to follow IEEE style.

Only articles and abstracts that have been published or are in press or are available through public e-print/preprint servers may be cited; unpublished abstracts, unpublished data, and personal communications should not be included in the reference list but may be included in the text. Notes/footnotes are not allowed. Obtaining permission to quote personal communications and unpublished data from the cited author(s) is the responsibility of the author. Citations in the reference list should contain all named authors, regardless of how many there are. There should usually be no more than 50 references per article. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.

Basic format for books:

  1. K. Author, “Title of a chapter in the book,” in Title of His Published Book, xth ed. City of Publisher, (only U.S. State), Country: Abbrev. of Publisher, year, ch. x, sec. x, pp. xxx–xxx.


  • O. Young, “Synthetic structure of industrial plastics,” in Plastics, 2nd  ed.,  vol.  3, J.  Peters, Ed.  New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill, 1964, pp. 15–64.
  • W.-K. Chen, Linear Networks and Systems. Belmont, CA, USA: Wadsworth, 1993, pp. 123–13

Basic format for periodicals:

  1. K. Author, “Name of paper,” Abbrev. Title of Periodical, vol. x, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx, Abbrev. Month, year,


  • U. Duncombe, “Infrared navigation—Part I: An assessment of feasibility,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-11, no. 1, pp. 34–39, Jan. 1959,
  • P. Wigner, “Theory of traveling-wave optical laser,” Phys. Rev., vol. 134, pp. A635–A646, Dec. 1965.
  • H. Miller, “A note on reflector arrays,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., to be published.

Basic format for reports:

  1. K. Author, “Title of report,” Abbrev. Name of Co., City of Co., Abbrev. State, Country, Rep. xxx, year.


  • E. Reber, R. L. Michell, and C. J. Carter, “Oxygen absorption in the earth’s atmosphere,” Aerospace Corp., Los Angeles, CA, USA, Tech. Rep. TR-0200 (4230-46)-3, Nov. 1988.
  • H. Davis and J. R. Cogdell, “Calibration program for the 16-foot antenna,” Elect. Eng. Res. Lab., Univ. Texas, Austin, TX, USA, Tech. Memo. NGL-006-69-3, Nov. 15, 1987.

Basic format for handbooks:

 Name of Manual/Handbook, x ed., Abbrev. Name of Co., City of Co., Abbrev. State, Country, year, pp. xxx-xxx.


  • Transmission Systems for Communications, 3rd ed., Western Electric Co., Winston-Salem, NC, USA, 1985, pp. 44–60.
  • Motorola Semiconductor Data Manual, Motorola Semiconductor Products Inc., Phoenix, AZ, USA, 1989.

Basic format for books (when available online):

  1. K. Author, “Title of chapter in the book,” in Title of Published Book, xth ed. City of Publisher, State, Country: Abbrev. of Publisher, year, ch. x, sec. x, pp. xxx–xxx. [Online]. Available:


  • O. Young, “Synthetic structure of industrial plastics,” in Plastics, vol. 3, Polymers of Hexadromicon, J. Peters, Ed., 2nd ed. New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill, 1964, pp. 15-64. [Online]. Available:
  • The Founders’ Constitution, Philip B. Kurland and Ralph Lerner, eds., Chicago, IL, USA: Univ. Chicago Press, 1987. [Online]. Available:
  • The Terahertz Wave eBook. ZOmega Terahertz Corp., 2014. [Online]. Available: Accessed on: May 19, 2014.
  • Philip B. Kurland and Ralph Lerner, eds., The Founders’ Constitution. Chicago, IL, USA: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1987, Accessed on: Feb. 28, 2010, [Online] Available:

Basic format for journals (when available online):

  1. K. Author, “Name of paper,” Abbrev. Title of Periodical, vol. x, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx, Abbrev. Month, year. Accessed on: Month, Day, year,, [Online].


  • S. Turner, “New directions in communications,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 11-23, Jan. 1995.
  • P. Risk, G. S. Kino, and H. J. Shaw, “Fiber-optic frequency shifter using a surface acoustic wave incident at an oblique angle,” Opt. Lett., vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 115–117, Feb. 1986.
  • Kopyt et al., “Electric properties of graphene-based conductive layers from DC up to terahertz range,” IEEE THz Sci. Technol., to be published.

Basic format for papers presented at conferences (when available online):

J.K. Author. (year, month). Title. presented at abbrev. conference title. [Type of Medium]. Available: site/path/file


  • PROCESS Corporation, Boston, MA, USA. Intranets: Internet technologies deployed behind the firewall for corporate productivity. Presented at INET96 Annual Meeting. [Online]. Available:

Basic format for reports   and   handbooks (when available online):   

  1. K. Author. “Title of report,” Company. City, State, Country. Rep. no., (optional: vol./issue), Date. [Online] Available: site/path/file


  • J. Hijmans and J. van Etten, “Raster: Geographic analysis and modeling with raster data,” R Package Version 2.0-12, Jan. 12, 2012. [Online]. Available:
  • Lytera UG, Kirchhain, Germany [Online]. Available:, Accessed on: Jun. 5, 2014

Basic format for computer programs and electronic documents (when available online):

Legislative body. Number of Congress, Session. (year, month day). Number of bill or resolution, Title. [Type of medium]. Available: site/path/file

NOTE: ISO recommends that capitalization follow the accepted practice for the language or script in which the information is given.


  • S. House. 102nd Congress, 1st Session. (1991, Jan. 11). H. Con. Res. 1, Sense of the Congress on Approval of Military Action. [Online]. Available: LEXIS Library: GENFED File: BILLS

Basic format for patents (when available online):

Name of the invention, by inventor’s name. (year, month day). Patent Number [Type of medium]. Available: site/path/file


  • Musical toothbrush with mirror, by L.M.R. Brooks. (1992, May 19). Patent D 326 189

                    [Online]. Available: NEXIS Library: LEXPAT File:   DES

Basic format for conference proceedings (published):

  1. K. Author, “Title of paper,” in Abbreviated Name of Conf., City of Conf., Abbrev. State (if given), Country, year, pp. xxxxxx.


  • B. Payne and J. R. Stern, “Wavelength-switched pas- sively coupled single-mode optical network,” in Proc. IOOC-ECOC, Boston, MA, USA, 1985, pp. 585–590.

Example for papers presented at conferences (unpublished):

  • Ebehard and E. Voges, “Digital single sideband detection for interferometric sensors,” presented at the 2nd Int. Conf. Optical Fiber Sensors, Stuttgart, Germany, Jan. 2-5, 1984.

Basic format for patents:

  1. K. Author, “Title of patent,” U.S. Patent x xxx xxx, Abbrev. Month, day, year.


  1. Brandli and M. Dick, “Alternating current fed power supply,” U.S. Patent 4 084 217, Nov. 4, 1978.

Basic format for theses (M.S.) and dissertations (Ph.D.):

  1. a) J. K. Author, “Title of thesis,” M.S. thesis, Abbrev. Dept., Abbrev. Univ., City of Univ., Abbrev. State, year.
  2. b) J. K. Author, “Title of dissertation,” Ph.D. dissertation, Abbrev. Dept., Abbrev. Univ., City of Univ., Abbrev. State, year.


  • O. Williams, “Narrow-band analyzer,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elect. Eng., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, USA, 1993.
  • Kawasaki, “Parametric study of thermal and chemical nonequilibrium nozzle flow,” M.S. thesis, Dept. Electron. Eng., Osaka Univ., Osaka, Japan, 1993.

Basic format for the most common types of unpublished references:

  1. a) J. K. Author, private communication, Abbrev. Month, year.
  2. b) J. K. Author, “Title of paper,” unpublished.
  3. c) J. K. Author, “Title of paper,” to be published.


  • Harrison, private communication, May 1995.
  • Smith, “An approach to graphs of linear forms,” unpublished.
  • Brahms, “Representation error for real numbers in binary computer arithmetic,” IEEE Computer Group Repository, Paper R-67-85.

Basic formats for standards:

  1. a) Title of Standard, Standard number, date.
  2. b) Title of Standard, Standard number, Corporate author, location, date.


  • IEEE Criteria for Class IE Electric Systems, IEEE Standard 308, 1969.
  • Letter Symbols for Quantities, ANSI Standard Y10.5-1968.

Article number in reference examples:

  • Fardel, M. Nagel, F. Nuesch, T. Lippert, and A. Wokaun, “Fabrication of organic light emitting diode pixels by laser-assisted forward transfer,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 91, no. 6, Aug. 2007, Art. no. 061103. 
  • Zhang and N. Tansu, “Optical gain and laser characteristics of InGaN quantum wells on ternary InGaN substrates,” IEEE Photon. J., vol. 5, no. 2, Apr. 2013, Art. no. 2600111

Example when using et al.:

  • Azodolmolky et al., Experimental demonstration of an impairment aware network planning and operation tool for transparent/translucent optical networks,” J. Lightw. Technol., vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 439–448, Sep. 2011.