Review Process

Asian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AJoEEE)


The AJoEEE is committed to meeting and upholding ethical behaviour standards at all stages of the publication process.  A summary of our expectations of editors, peer-reviewers, and authors is stated below:

Peer Review Process

The journal uses a blind peer-review system; the reviewers know the authors’ identities, but the reviewer’s identity remains anonymous to the authors. The paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts; one/two external reviewers and one journal editor are typically involved in reviewing a submission.

Step 1: Editor’s assessment – Peer review begins by submitting the manuscript to the journal. The journal editors will decide if the manuscript is suitable based on the journal’s aim and scope and the journal template. After that, the content will be checked for possible plagiarism using anti-plagiarism software. The editors might reject the manuscript immediately if the specified minimum criteria are not met. Otherwise, the manuscript will go under editorial review. The editors might reject the manuscript if suggestions are not met. Otherwise, the manuscript will proceed to the next stage of a blind peer review.

Step 2: First round of peer review – The editor will contact researchers/ scholars who are experts in the field through the Editorial Board to review the manuscript. The manuscript will be assessed in terms of its originality, suitability of the description of research design and methodology that allows replication of research by others, appropriate and clear presentation of results and reliability and significance of the conclusions.

Reviewers carefully evaluate the manuscript based on provided guidelines and assess the quality of the research.

The editor makes a decision based on the reviewers' feedback and prepares a response to be sent to the Author.

Step 3: Revision and re-submission – Authors can then amend the manuscript based on the reviewer’s comments, resubmitting it with any or all changes made.

Step 4: Multiple rounds of peer review – If necessary, several rounds of peer review will be conducted until reviewers decide that the manuscript meets the criteria for publication.

The reviewers provide their recommendations to the editor, which may include rejecting the article, requesting revisions, or accepting it as is.

Step 5: Acceptance – If everything works as described, the revised manuscript will be published.

Plagiarism Issues

The manuscript must represent the original work by the Author (s). Any copyright should cover none of the material; if copyrighted material exceeding approximately 100 words from a journal article or about 500 words from a book is used, the Author has obtained written permission for its use. Further, this work should not infringe any intellectual property rights/secrecy laws of any person/ organization/ government/ public or private agency, nor should it contain any defamatory matter. Details of publication ethics can be found at or on the right side menu of the journal.